“We ourselves feel that what we are doing is just a drop in the ocean.
But the ocean would be less because of that missing drop.
– Mother Theresa
Let?s change this world ? one by one. I am asking all of you to use my Facebook and Google pages to share POSITIVE experiences in life, acts of kindness, things you are grateful for etc. ? no matter how small or large. It could be something as simple as a smile you extended or received.
Anything that creates joy, love, peace, support and happiness even if just for a short moment; in the long run all these positive accounts make the world a happier and healthier place to be.
We can make a positive difference! Let?s create a powerful, positive virus!
I look forward to a beautiful flurry of activity on my Facebook and Google pages.
Joy, peace, love, health and happiness for all,
P.S. The book Hidden Messages in Water by Masaru Emoto is a great example of the power of thought, emotions or any form of energy on life.
“Be happy for this Moment. This Moment is your Life.”
– Omar Khayyam
Many people are complaining about being challenged with sleep these days. Read on for a few useful hints to support restful sleep.
What works for one may not work for the next person. Also what has worked once may not work the next time.
Some HERBAL ALLIES are (alone or in combination):
NOTE: Commercial herbal sleep blends frequently contain peppermint (too stimulating at night for many) and hops (not recommended for anyone with tendency to depression).
You can create a nice blend of dried herbs with any of the above herbs and enjoy a cup of tea at night or take them as a tincture.
Interested in any specific topics or workshops, contact me at 780-532-2464.