Perfect gift as the Earth is re-awakening and showing herself in all her beauty once again.
Only $30.00 each incl. GST (regular $52.45)
plus shipping if applicable.
Sale is on from Monday, April 7 to Sunday, April 13, 2014.
A story to remind us that small deeds of kindness can literally save lives.
Take a few minutes to read the story ?
– Gudrun
New dates: May 10 and 11, 2014
Mark your calendar and please let me know as soon as possible if you are planning to attend. The class is over half full already!
Please check out my website Go to ?Services? and then ?Bach Flowers? to find out more about this fascinating simple, yet effective form of healing.
Bach Flowers essences are subtle plant medicines. They were developed in England during the 1930s by Dr. Edward Bach to assist in healing on the physical, emotional and spiritual level.
This workshop integrates theory and practice and provides a great opportunity to get to know these fascinating flower essences.
You will learn how to incorporate these flower essences into your daily life, so that they may encourage true healing in a very safe and gentle, yet effective way, and assist you in unfolding to your full potential or simply support you through more stressful times.
This workshop integrates theory and practice allowing students to truly experience some of the effects of different Bach Flowers on an individual basis. You will walk away from this class knowing that the Bach Flowers can truly make a positive difference in your life ? like a newly found friend who accompanies you on your Journey to Health!
DATE & TIME: May 10 & 11, 2014 – 9:30 am to 5 pm
LOCATION: Grande Prairie
COST: $375 including GST, course hand-outs and your individualized Bach Flower remedy.
I suggest you start by cutting out wheat and increasing your vegetable and fruit intake. If you have a blender or juicer replace one of your regular meals with a liquid meal. You will be surprised about the difference this little change makes for your well-being. It is a matter of getting used to the changes and realizing how many options there really are.
Put into the food processor:
Mix well.
Spoon drop 7 or 8 equal amounts of dough onto a coconut oil well-greased flat Pyrex dish. Round with your fingers into equal biscuit sized pieces and flatten with fingers, so that final scone is about ? to an inch thick.
Bake at 350 degrees 20 minutes until nicely browned.
You may want to eat them with nut butter such as almond butter or hazelnut butter. If you eat dairy you can add a slice of ?real? cheese (available at health food stores).
If what we eat does not nourish and support our bodies it should not be called food. Therefore at least 80% of what is sold as ?food? in the grocery stores does not classify as food. It fails to provide the building blocks to the body required to maintain healthy cells and tissues.
It not only does not provide what is required by the body to function properly, but it also typically burdens and damages our body with chemicals such as preservatives, colouring agents, pesticides, herbicides, and genetically modified/engineered foods. A high percentage of so called health issues can be remedied with a change in dietary habits. I see this happening every day in my practice.
Many people would never feed their animals the food and drinks they themselves are consuming on a daily basis. Why not? Because they know all too well that their own diet would not be good for their pets!
So, I suggest make your foods your medicines and if you do this you will be surprised how your energy increases, your skin clears up, no more phlegm, achy joints ?. I recommend you eat 70% raw on a regular basis.
As always, green blessings and stay warm,
SHARE your favorite snack recipes here!