Kambo is a Giant Leaf frog found in the Amazon. Its ?medicine? has a variety of applications but one of the major reasons for its use is the effect it has on the brain and the psyche as a psychedelic substance. It is powerful “medicine” and you can find lots of information on the internet about it.
The other day I was inspired to write a poem (see below) about it because it seems like presently many people feel the need to experience psychoactive substances used by traditional tribes and healers. There is a tendency to believe that these experiences bring a sense of accomplishment, making a person a “better” person, “better” than others. I have reflected upon this phenomena in the context of our ability to live life and decided to share my inspiration with you as food for thought. Enjoy.
Still flying high
Soaring high in the sky
Looking at life in a different light
Experiencing all there is from new heights
All the induced reflections
Causing different perceptions
Spirit has so many different forms
It may come and go like a storm
Has it really changed the way things are
Or is it just an illusion from afar
Are you really a different person now
Is different better – if yes how
Life’s challenges are still the same
So are responsibilities – what a shame
The real test is living how
With spirit present in every moment now
Taking responsibility for who we truly are
Leaving behind our desires and ego so far
In service to our soul’s purpose
Is our life’s journey
~ Gudrun Penselin
The flu season is once again upon us and I heard on the news that free vaccinations are available in Alberta for anyone over the age of 6 months.
How about an alternative that involves healthy lifestyle choices to support the immune system and a preventative approach with a homeopathic regime?
Many people, young and old, have since many years successfully used a treatment protocol that includes the following remedies.
1. Immune system fortifier
2. An anti-bacterial
3. An anti-viral
4. Vitamin D ? high quality drops
(See more detailed information on these products below)
The protocol can be implemented as a preventative measure throughout the fall and winter and stepped up in case of an acute infection.
For infants under the age of 6 months you can apply the anti-viral and anti-bacterial formulas externally. It really works.
Total cost $84 (instead of $110) as long as supplies last. With the purchase of the ?combo? you will receive detailed information and instructions.
Please call 780.532.2464 if you are interested in purchasing the flu season package.
Green Blessings,
For all conditions of immune deficiency incl. autoimmune disorders causing an increased susceptibility to infectious disease; rebuilds and regulates the immune system. During the flu & cold season it is best combined with Bio 87 (anti-bacterial) & Bio 88 (anti-viral).
For all bacterial infections including strep and staph infections; stimulates and supports the immune system and prevents imbalances of bacteria in the organism.
For all viral infections including influenza, cold sores, mono, influenza, Epstein Barr virus; helps to build up natural defenses against viruses and shortens recovery time from acute infections.
Vitamin D helps protect a number of important functions in the body including the proper functioning of the immune system. According to some literature it is an effective prevention for the flu; as well it helps ward off many chronic immune related ailments; Also recommended for SAD (Seasonal Affected Disorder) during the winter months.
15 – 20% off EVERYTHING in Stock
(Except for candles and hemp hearts)
See attachment for the bargains!
If you have an appointment and think about browsing, I suggest you come early enough to shop beforehand.
If you do not have an appointment, call me at 780.532.2464 to arrange for a time.
NO phone or mail orders.
Cash or cheques only except for purchases over $250.
Stay warm during the forecasted winter storm.
Green & white blessings,
Back to winter wonderland after a great family holiday in Kauai, Hawaii. Lots of fun and sunshine.
There are a few spots left in the upcoming EFT workshop, Tuesday, December 3, 6:30 ? 9:30 pm.
Call me at 780.532.2464 if you would like to attend or require further information.
Watch for specials in the next little while:
Green blessings,