ancient healing art


Finally, after another challenging marathon, the 2nd edition of the DVD “Herbal Pharmacy for Everyone” is completed with subtitles in English, French, German and Spanish.

BLOW OUT SALE of the 1st edition while quantities last.

Great timeless gift for birthdays, Easter, Mother’s Day or just as a gesture of friendship and caring for the planet and each other at any time.

$25/DVD or 5 copies for $100 including GST plus shipping where applicable. Regular $52.45.


Call 780.532.2464 or email me to arrange pick-up.



Kambo is a Giant Leaf frog found in the Amazon. Its ?medicine? has a variety of applications but one of the major reasons for its use is the effect it has on the brain and the psyche as a psychedelic substance. It is powerful “medicine” and you can find lots of information on the internet about it.

The other day I was inspired to write a poem (see below) about it because it seems like presently many people feel the need to experience psychoactive substances used by traditional tribes and healers. There is a tendency to believe that these experiences bring a sense of accomplishment, making a person a “better” person, “better” than others. I have reflected upon this phenomena in the context of our ability to live life and decided to share my inspiration with you as food for thought. Enjoy.

KAMBO – Frog Medicine: Illusion or Reality

Still flying high
Soaring high in the sky

Looking at life in a different light
Experiencing all there is from new heights

All the induced reflections
Causing different perceptions

Spirit has so many different forms
It may come and go like a storm

Has it really changed the way things are
Or is it just an illusion from afar

Are you really a different person now
Is different better – if yes how

Life’s challenges are still the same
So are responsibilities – what a shame

The real test is living how
With spirit present in every moment now

Taking responsibility for who we truly are
Leaving behind our desires and ego so far

In service to our soul’s purpose
Is our life’s journey

~ Gudrun Penselin


“Hope is the thing with feathers that perches in the soul and sings the tunes without the words and never stops at all”. Emily Dickinson

Hope is an essential element in any form of healing. Dr. Edward Bach said to never take away from anyone the hope for healing. I am hoping, wishing and praying that this year more and more people will re-connect to nature, so that Mother Earth will receive the much needed support for her healing. Everyone of us can make a difference. Let’s shift our focus to things that really matter and what life is truly about.

Green Blessings,


The workshop provides a great opportunity for personal growth and freeing yourself of limitations that are holding you back from living your life to your full potential. Register now for a great experience.

Space is limited ? Register early! Click the Registration link below.

UNFOLD TO YOUR FULL POTENTIAL – Introduction to Bach Flowers

DATES: Saturday & Sunday, November 29 & 30,? 9:30 am-5 pm

?Health depends on being in harmony with our souls.? Dr. Edward Bach

Bach Flower essences are subtle plant medicines. They were developed in England during the 1930s by Dr. Edward Bach to assist in healing on the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level.

This intensive workshop integrates theory and practice and provides a great opportunity to truly experience and get to know these fascinating flower essences. You will learn how to incorporate flower essences into your daily life, so that they may encourage true healing and assist you in unfolding to your full potential or simply support you through challenging times.

You will walk away from this class knowing that the Bach Flowers can truly make a positive difference in your life ? like a newly found friend who accompanies you on your Journey to Health!

You will also learn how to create your own flower essences.

NOTE: This workshop requires the active participation of the students.


Summer is coming abruptly to an end. Fall is a great time to join some fun workshops ? be it just for the joy of learning or for support on your Journey to Health. Rainbow Healing is offering a variety of classes, evening and weekend ones. Read course descriptions below and click the registration link to sign up.

Rainbow Healing Presents: Fall 2014 Workshop Series

HEALING FROM THE RAINBOW – Introduction to Light & Colour Therapy

This class will give a whole new meaning to the use of colour & light. Through exercises you will understand and experience the power of this form of healing. The rainbow of colours is truly a gift to humankind. Come and enjoy a colourful evening.

DATE: Tuesday, Sept. 23; 6:30 ? 9:30 pm COST: $80.00 incl. GST, booklet, therapy blend


Herbs & Natural Lifestyle Choices to Support and Strengthen your Immune System
The goal is to provide students with information and tools in order to stay healthy through the flu season. Topics include: herbs, nutrition and lifestyle. The major focus will be on prevention; however suggestions for acute care will also be given.

DATE: Wednesday, October 1, 6:30-9:30pm COST: $80.00 incl. GST

UNFOLD TO YOUR FULL POTENTIAL – Introduction to Bach Flowers

This intensive workshop will provide you with a solid understanding of Bach Flowers. You will learn through exercises how to incorporate flower essences into your daily life, how they can assist you in true healing and in unfolding to your full potential and how to create your own flower essences.

DATES: Saturday & Sunday, OCTOBER 4 & 5, 9:30am-5pm
COST: $375.00 incl. GST, individual Bach Flower Remedy and course handouts

THE EYES ? THE WINDOW TO OUR SOULS ? Introduction to Iridology and Sclerology

Iridology is the study of the iris including its texture and colour. Sclerology refers to the study of signs such as colour and blood vessels in the sclera (white of the eyes). Both are gentle and non-invasive ways of identifying inherited strengths, weaknesses and current challenges on the physical, emotional and spiritual level.
In addition to learning about the fundamentals of this art and science, you will get the opportunity to take a ?peak? at some of the other students? eyes and experience iridology and sclerology first hand for yourself.

DATE: Saturday, October 18, 9:30am to 5pm
COST: $180.00 incl. GST, iris photo, handouts

For more information contact Gudrun at 780.532.2464 or email

Space is limited ? Register early!

BACH FLOWER Workshop in Grande Prairie

?Encouraging True Healing with Bach Flowers? is coming back!

New dates: May 10 and 11, 2014

Mark your calendar and please let me know as soon as possible if you are planning to attend. The class is over half full already!

Please check out my website Go to ?Services? and then ?Bach Flowers? to find out more about this fascinating simple, yet effective form of healing.


Bach Flowers essences are subtle plant medicines. They were developed in England during the 1930s by Dr. Edward Bach to assist in healing on the physical, emotional and spiritual level.

This workshop integrates theory and practice and provides a great opportunity to get to know these fascinating flower essences.

You will learn how to incorporate these flower essences into your daily life, so that they may encourage true healing in a very safe and gentle, yet effective way, and assist you in unfolding to your full potential or simply support you through more stressful times.

This workshop integrates theory and practice allowing students to truly experience some of the effects of different Bach Flowers on an individual basis. You will walk away from this class knowing that the Bach Flowers can truly make a positive difference in your life ? like a newly found friend who accompanies you on your Journey to Health!

DATE & TIME: May 10 & 11, 2014 – 9:30 am to 5 pm
LOCATION: Grande Prairie
COST: $375 including GST, course hand-outs and your individualized Bach Flower remedy.


Laughter is Great Medicine!

?Grandpa’s New I-Pad!?

Follow the link below for 1/2 minute of guaranteed laughter. The video is in German… but no subtitles are needed.

A daughter is visiting her father. She asks: Tell me dad, how are you managing with the new iPad we gave you for your birthday? How are you doing with the apps?

What apps?…

A great example of what happens when the young ones give gifts of technology to the old ones!

ENJOY and remember to ask friends to like!


Upcoming Reflexology Course

Hands-on-Feet: Introduction to Reflexology

?Hands on Feet? is an introduction to the ancient art of reflexology. Reflexology is a gentle, non-invasive form of healing applied primarily to the feet. Reflexology deals with the underlying principle that we have reflexes in the feet that relate to every single cell of the body. Working these reflexes stimulates the body and assists it in maintaining and / or regaining balance.

This course will provide students with the knowledge and skills required to give a complete foot reflexology treatment. Theory and practice will be interwoven throughout the entire course. Hand reflexology and other healing modalities will be discussed and included whenever time permits. By the end of the course students will be able to locate all individual reflexes as well as give a complete foot reflexology treatment.

Learn and enjoy this relaxing art as part of your ?Journey to Health”.

WHERE: Grande Prairie
WHEN: 2 consecutive weekends in March; OVER 40 hours of instruction

  • Friday, March 7, 3 ? 9 pm, Saturday, March 8 and Sunday, March 9, 9:30 am ? 5 pm, AND
  • Friday, March 14, 3 ? 9 pm, Saturday, March 15 and Sunday, March 16, 9:30 am ? 5 pm

COST: $577 including GST*

*Price Comparison:

– Academy of Reflexology $ 834.75 for 32 ? hours
– Ontario College of Reflexology $147 for 8 hours

?If you?re feeling out of kilter,
Don?t know why or what about,
Let your feet reveal the answer,
Find the sore sport, work it out.?
~ Eunice Ingham


This package was a hit at the Body, Soul and Spirit Expo in Vancouver.

From now until next week Tuesday (Nov. 12) I am offering the SOOOO Special Show Special…

Purchase one DVD Herbal Pharmacy for Everyone and one deck of Bach Flowers Unfolding.

Pick up your set for $72.00, a 15% savings.

GST included. Shipping Extra.

P.S. EFT workshop is full. If you are interested in registering, please get in touch with me.

Depending on the number of interested students I will offer a 2nd one the first week of December on a different day of the week.

EFT Workshop

?Introduction to Emotional Freedom Technique? in Grande Prairie

Wednesday, November 27, 2013 from 6:30 ? 9:30 pm

Since I am going to be in and out of Grande Prairie from now until November 25, registration is required by November 12.

Many people have expressed an interest in this workshop and therefore I recommend that you register as soon as possible.

Please email or call me at 780.532.2464 to register.

If Wednesdays don?t work for you but you would still like to attend an EFT class, please let me know because if there is enough interest I will offer a 2nd class on a different day.

Click here for a course description.

You can also find more information about EFT at my website at


Stay tuned for the new dates for the beginning of 2014. Most likely it will happen at the end of February or the beginning of March.

Email with details to follow shortly so that you can mark your calendar well in advance.

The Power of One

“We ourselves feel that what we are doing is just a drop in the ocean.
But the ocean would be less because of that missing drop.

– Mother Theresa

Let?s change this world ? one by one. I am asking all of you to use my Facebook and Google pages to share POSITIVE experiences in life, acts of kindness, things you are grateful for etc. ? no matter how small or large. It could be something as simple as a smile you extended or received.

Anything that creates joy, love, peace, support and happiness even if just for a short moment; in the long run all these positive accounts make the world a happier and healthier place to be.

We can make a positive difference! Let?s create a powerful, positive virus!

I look forward to a beautiful flurry of activity on my Facebook and Google pages.

Joy, peace, love, health and happiness for all,


P.S. The book Hidden Messages in Water by Masaru Emoto is a great example of the power of thought, emotions or any form of energy on life.

Tossing & Turning Instead of Sleeping Peacefully?

“Be happy for this Moment. This Moment is your Life.”
– Omar Khayyam

Many people are complaining about being challenged with sleep these days. Read on for a few useful hints to support restful sleep.

Sleep is complicated.

What works for one may not work for the next person. Also what has worked once may not work the next time.

  • Eliminate any stimulants such as coffee, black tea, sugar (especially at night)
  • If taken at night certain supplements such as vitamin C may have enough of a stimulating effect to interfere with sleep in some individuals
  • Peppermint, even though calming for the nervous system, has a stimulating effect on the metabolism and may interfere with sleep patterns in sensitive people
  • Allergies/sensitivities to foods and inhalants can be the culprit
  • Check your medications for potential side effects
  • Treat the underlying cause. Many dis-ease processes may interfere with proper sleep (blood sugar imbalances, adrenal fatigue?)
  • Getting up in the night to urinate may be a sign of kidney weakness in women and prostate issues in men
  • Minimize stress levels and over-excitement at night
  • Ensure adequate exercise during the day
  • If you wake up once again feeling like you have been run over by a truck, relax, breathe deeply, take a hot shower and know that you are going to make it through the day okay. Accepting the situation is half the battle, pondering and being upset about it is creating more unnecessary stress

Some HERBAL ALLIES are (alone or in combination):

  • Passionflower (Passiflora incarnata) ? one of my favorites
  • Lemon Balm (Melissa off.)
  • Skullcap (Scutellaria lateriflora)
  • Chamomile (Matricaria recutita) ? Note: Adverse reactions to Chamomile are not uncommon
  • St. John?s Wort (Hypericum perfoliatum) ? especially when (nerve) pain and/or depression are a factor
  • Rescue Remedy

NOTE: Commercial herbal sleep blends frequently contain peppermint (too stimulating at night for many) and hops (not recommended for anyone with tendency to depression).

You can create a nice blend of dried herbs with any of the above herbs and enjoy a cup of tea at night or take them as a tincture.

Questions or comments?

Interested in any specific topics or workshops, contact me at 780-532-2464.


Herbal Pharmacy DVD Release

Rural Roots Magazine published an an article about the release of the new instructional DVD ?Herbal Pharmacy for Everyone ? A Step-by-Step Guide to Creating Your Own Herbal Preparations?. Filmed in Mexico, this DVD is one of a kind. It shares tools of herbal medicine, the most ancient healing art, and provides all the information required to create your own herbal preparations with equipment found in any home kitchen wherever you live. Anybody interested in this subject matter, be it the newcomer or the experienced homegrown herbalist, will find valuable information and tools in this DVD.

Click Herbal Pharmacy DVD Guide to read the full article.

For more information about the DVD and how to order it, please click here.