

I just got back from teaching at a herb conference in the Kootenays. A special treat was a one day ?foraging? workshop. We harvested herbs and prepared a real feast from the treasures we found. See menu below.

I encourage you to spend time in nature and benefit from the bountiful menu that Mother Earth provides for us. Start ?grazing? and sample the different plants, get to know some of them, be creative and add them to your cooking.

Feel free to share any of your recipes on this page.

Green Blessings,


  • Burdock and Vegetable Soup
  • Salad: Cattail root, Heal-All, Red Clover, Chickweed, Miners Lettuce in Field Raspberry Vinaigrette
  • Burdock Relish
  • Quail eggs on braised Plantain
  • Oatmeal dumplings in Elderberry sauce
  • Thimble leaf dolmas: onions, quinoa, pennywort, raisins
  • Saskatoon berry crisp
  • Saskatoon berry and Cattail pollen muffins


Gluten Free Scone Recipe

I suggest you start by cutting out wheat and increasing your vegetable and fruit intake. If you have a blender or juicer replace one of your regular meals with a liquid meal. You will be surprised about the difference this little change makes for your well-being. It is a matter of getting used to the changes and realizing how many options there really are.


Put into the food processor:

  • 3 ? cups of almond meal or flour
  • 5 tablespoons of arrowroot flour
  • ? cup honey
  • 4 tablespoons of coconut milk
  • 2 eggs
  • 2 tablespoons wine vinegar
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon Himalayan salt
  • 6 tablespoons coconut oil
  • One-half cup or more of currants or dried pomegranate, blueberries or cherries and some crushed pecans, cashews or walnuts.

Mix well.
Spoon drop 7 or 8 equal amounts of dough onto a coconut oil well-greased flat Pyrex dish. Round with your fingers into equal biscuit sized pieces and flatten with fingers, so that final scone is about ? to an inch thick.
Bake at 350 degrees 20 minutes until nicely browned.

If you can resist, let them cool before you taste them!!!

You may want to eat them with nut butter such as almond butter or hazelnut butter. If you eat dairy you can add a slice of ?real? cheese (available at health food stores).


?Alternative Baking?

?Alternative Baking by Marita Dreger

For all of you who need to avoid wheat, gluten and eggs. Check it out!

The cookbook gives classic, contemporary and folk baking recipes that use alternative ingredients to wheat flour, cow?s milk, butter, chicken eggs and cane sugar. The way the book is set-up, you can customize the recipes to your own needs.

Details specific to each type of flour and other ingredients are provided. Some of the recipes included are: crepes, pancakes, waffles, cookies, various cakes etc.

Hopefully the book is still in print.

Green blessings from the white north,



I am just wondering, do we call this season ?Fall? because the leaves are falling to the ground? Hopefully all of you get to enjoy this amazing time of the year right now, it has been incredible.

Nature, as it is preparing to rest for the next few months, has been an amazing treat this year: the colours of the leaves, the sky, sunsets and sun rises, the wonder of the ever changing clouds, plants that are starting to bloom as if spring and not snow was around the corner…

It has been hard for me to stay focused on work inside when the outdoors is calling and yes, I am listening: time to go for a quick ride in the bush before attending to clients.

ROSEHIPS: This will probably be the last weekend to pick them for use in the winter. I made the most delicious Rosehip syrup ever!

Fast, Easy, Nutritious & Yummy!

How much better can it get?

Last week?s Herb Walk was another fantastic event. Student?s enjoyed all the activities including the raw foods at lunch time.

Walnut Pate was one of the dishes I served. When I offered the left overs of the spread to Franz at night he finished the entire dish ? and there was quite a bit left!

Walnut Pate

2 cups walnuts
2 stalks celery
1/2 red pepper
3 scallions or 1/2 red onion
1 tsp. salt

(Please note: I am very creative with my cooking, and so as always, proportions and ingredients are different with with each batch creating a new flavour every time around!)

Mix all ingredients together in food processor until soft and creamy.

Eat as spread on nut crackers with sprouts, tomatoes, cucumbers.

NOTE: Watch for exciting news in the next few days!