In the past, instructions for the anti-viral and anti-bacterial homeopathic remedies mentioned in the previous post were as follows: ?Immunizations: 3 drops, 3 times daily, 3 times per month for the first 2 years of life.?
Due to more controls in the natural health industry in Canada the wording has now been changed but you can still find it on websites in other countries!
Please also check out the new NVIC (National Vaccination Information Centre) PINTEREST BOARDS AND VACCINE FAILURE WALL
Green Blessings,
The flu season is once again upon us and I heard on the news that free vaccinations are available in Alberta for anyone over the age of 6 months.
How about an alternative that involves healthy lifestyle choices to support the immune system and a preventative approach with a homeopathic regime?
Many people, young and old, have since many years successfully used a treatment protocol that includes the following remedies.
1. Immune system fortifier
2. An anti-bacterial
3. An anti-viral
4. Vitamin D ? high quality drops
(See more detailed information on these products below)
The protocol can be implemented as a preventative measure throughout the fall and winter and stepped up in case of an acute infection.
For infants under the age of 6 months you can apply the anti-viral and anti-bacterial formulas externally. It really works.
Total cost $84 (instead of $110) as long as supplies last. With the purchase of the ?combo? you will receive detailed information and instructions.
Please call 780.532.2464 if you are interested in purchasing the flu season package.
Green Blessings,
For all conditions of immune deficiency incl. autoimmune disorders causing an increased susceptibility to infectious disease; rebuilds and regulates the immune system. During the flu & cold season it is best combined with Bio 87 (anti-bacterial) & Bio 88 (anti-viral).
For all bacterial infections including strep and staph infections; stimulates and supports the immune system and prevents imbalances of bacteria in the organism.
For all viral infections including influenza, cold sores, mono, influenza, Epstein Barr virus; helps to build up natural defenses against viruses and shortens recovery time from acute infections.
Vitamin D helps protect a number of important functions in the body including the proper functioning of the immune system. According to some literature it is an effective prevention for the flu; as well it helps ward off many chronic immune related ailments; Also recommended for SAD (Seasonal Affected Disorder) during the winter months.
The producer of the film is allowing free viewing through August 1.
$13/container (regular $15) or $115 for a case of 9. Please call to make arrangements for pick-up and to make sure they are in stock.
Vegetarians are at risk of two possible nutritional deficiencies: taurine and vitamin B 12, both found in animal protein.Taurine, an amino acid is deficient in about 84% of depressed individuals and in many with epilepsy. B 12 is ordinarily present only in animal protein.
Hemp hearts are the best source of protein. They have about 33% of quality protein, better than the best sirloin tip beef and far better than fish. They are the best source of essential fats, vitamins and enzymes on the planet. Hemp hearts are the only vegetable containing taurine.
Hemp hearts are the shelled seed of simple hemp, a non-hallucinatory relative of marijuana.
Hemp fibre is the longest and strongest of all natural fiber and requires no fertilizer of pesticides etc, to grow exuberantly. It produces 4 times as much fibre per acre as trees. Indeed, it is a superb source for making biomass alcohol,–far superior to corn!! In fact, hemp is the oldest known agricultural crop, used as a source for rope, cloth and paper.
Fall indicates the beginning of a cycle when we focus more inward and for many it means battling colds, flues, bronchitis and other ailments.
Therefore it is especially important to pay attention to our lifestyle in order to be able to support our body and keep the immune system strong.
Following are some suggestions.
Specific herbal suggestions for the change in seasons to follow next week. Please let me know if you have any specific questions that I might be able to address via Facebook.